DUI Attorney in San Jose
Proudly Serving Milpitas, Campbell, San Jose & Sunnyvale
At The Arant Law Group, APC, we provide DUI defense to the areas of San Jose, Milpitas Campbell and Sunnyvale Whether you were pulled over in a traffic stop, were stopped on the 101, the 880, the 680, the 280 or on one of the many city streets in one of these towns, the situation can be very serious, even if you this is your first DUI charge, and your first contact with the criminal justice system.
The penalties that can be imposed under California law on a first time DUI conviction include the loss of your driver's license for up to 1 year, fines as high as $1,650, DUI school for up to 9 months which you must pay for, and a long period of probation. The facts of the case should be evaluated immediately by our firm, as there are many cases that can be successfully defended.
The Arant Law Group, APC
As the DUI court process moves forward very rapidly, it is vital that you contact our firm immediately after your arrest. Do not answer questions, or make any court appearance until you have legal representation to manage the situation. The first action that must take place is an in-depth review of every detail of the evidence that led to your arrest. There are many cases that can be dismissed if there is early intervention by a skilled DUI lawyer that knows the process, and the common errors made by law enforcement. These errors include rights violations in the police stop, errors in test administration, either breath or blood, and conflicting information from the officers that were present at the scene.
We take our duty very seriously, and when you engage the services of a San Jose DUI lawyer, you can be confident that everything possible will be done to help you fight to reduce the damage to your life and future. In more serious charges, such as felony DUI charges, or if you have prior convictions in multiple DUI offenses, the legal situation is exceptionally dangerous, as the penalties imposed can include a long prison sentence, thousands of dollars in fines, and a criminal record that will restrict your freedoms, as well as make it impossible to hold certain professional licenses. No matter what your situation is, we know that you need help, and our fast defense actions could be very beneficial to you in your case. Get in touch with our firm immediately and contact our office to learn more about our free case evaluation.
Contact a DUI defense lawyer at The Arant Law Group, APC immediately if you have been arrested and charged with a DUI offense in Milpitas, Campbell or Sunnyvale.

Reasons to Choose Us
Put Our Extensive Experience to Work for You
Learn How to Successfully Resolve Your DUI Case
Begin Building Your Effective Defense Today