Finding Qualified Legal Help
At The Arant Law Group, APC we are dedicating to bringing you the best legal representation possible for the defense of your charges. Obtain a San Jose DUI defense lawyer from our firm immediately upon arrest to find out what we can do to help minimize your charges and get you quickly on your way home.
You can rest assured that we will be doing everything possible to bring a positive conclusion to your legal challenge. We are well-versed and proven in the local DUI laws and know how to bring an aggressive and hard-hitting defense case for your charges.
Get the assistance you need and contact our office to learn more about what we can do to investigate your case today!
Out-of-State DUI Attorney in San Jose
If you do not live in the state of California and you have been arrested and charged with a DUI, there is important information that you should know. Whether you live in another state or in another country, having to return to California to handle your DUI charges can be very difficult.
An experienced San Jose DUI defense lawyer from our firm can assist you in defending your charges without you having to stay in or return to California.
Creating a Solid Case
A law enforcement officer in California must have a legal justification for initially pulling you over, however once you have been pulled over, he need only to observe erratic behavior and smell alcohol on your breath in order to arrest you for a DUI. It's important not to resist arrest or to become combative, but you may refuse to submit to a field sobriety, breath or blood test at the scene of the arrest.
You may also refuse to answer any questions without your lawyer present. Once you have been taken to the station it is important to understand that you must at that point submit to a test or face a mandatory 1 year suspension of your driving privileges. There are many possible areas of error in the arrest and booking process that could help us garner a reduction or dismissal of your charges once your case goes to trial.
The sooner we can get on the case to investigate the details of your charges the better the possibility that we can find the key element that may lead to reduced or dismissed charges for you. Call our firm today at (408) 692-7321!